I am writing to let others know what a wonderful service Richard Old offers. My Mom was moving out of her three bedroom condo in Pullman to her new home in Utah and she was pretty overwhelmed with all the last minute details she needed to do to get her home ready for the new owners. Well, Richard certainly came to her rescue! I met with him after the movers came and took away all the items that she wanted to her new home. Richard was so kind, professional and handles every detail including recycling, and cleaning out drawers, closets and all the little items that are left behind.

What a kind and gentle soul. I really enjoyed working with Richard. He was very thorough and recorded what the new owners wanted that was to be left in the home and made sure that they were there for them when they moved in. He had great stories to share and was a delight to talk to. We all felt confident when we left that Richard would take care of all the details and he did! We couldn’t be happier with the quality of his work. If you are moving and want to leave the final details in someones hands that you can trust then Richard is the right person for you!

One final detail that I would like to share is that Richard looks out for any personal items that you may mistakenly leave behind. He contacted me to let me know that he found a small photo that he thought might be important to my Mom. It certainly was! It was a photo of my Mom’s granddaughter when she was in kindergarten and she had made a special art piece for her grandparents. She was holding her art piece proudly and it was this little photo that was attached all these years to that piece of art and it had a special story that went with it. My niece is now forty and that photo holds special memories for my Mom. Richard found it and mailed it back to me to return to my Mom. That is what sets him apart. He pays attention to the little details that mean so much to those that have to leave them behind. Thanks, Richard!

Sincerely, Darcy Herrett