Dear Richard,

Our family cannot thank you enough for your help, not once, but TWICE in the last 10 years, as our parents downsized from the farm to a “house in town” and, recently, to an apartment. Because of the wonderful experience they had with you back in 2007, Mom and Dad were very comfortable when my sister and I suggested that we should contact you again in 2017.

When we talked with you this spring, we appreciated how clearly you spelled out what the process involved and how you would determine which of four outcomes we could expect. You were realistic about potential values and explained why some items are more collectable and in demand than others. You patiently went through every aspect of the contract with us and made all the terms very clear: what you would take and what you would leave; what would happen if you ran across very personal items that you doubted we meant to leave behind; and that we would temporarily be unable to enter the house while you cleared it out – all for very good reasons.

We truly intended to give you a lot more time to do your work, but because our parents’ house sold much more quickly than we expected, we needed fast action to clean everything out. You bent over backwards to work within the confines of our tight schedule. Since the location of the house wouldn’t allow for an on-site estate sale, you used “Plan B” to liquidate our exceptional numbers of “smalls.” We were shocked at how fast you went through everything, grouped it in lots within the house, and got it listed on your website for on-line bids and buyer pick-up – and all without us having to lift a finger.

The next time we entered the house, about 10 days later, it was EMPTY, with the exception of the things noted in the contract AND two small boxes of photos and letters that you instinctively knew we would want. You completed your work several days prior to what we had stipulated in the contract which allowed us much needed time to get the house cleaners in for a major scrubbing.

Richard, you are a PLEASURE to work with. My sister and I will sing your praises to anyone in the same situation as we were just a couple months ago. And we PROMISE to tell potential clients not to clean out ANYTHING out until they have talked to you. We’ll stress that they shouldn’t take things to the dump, or charity, or the recycling center. They need to focus on the things they want to keep, and leave all that other work for you!

With much appreciation, Shannon Krom Kelly (Colfax) & Kristal Krom Kirpes (Colton) on behalf of our parents, John & Kay Krom (Pullman)