To Whom it may concern,

My name is Gabriela Mazur and I am extremely pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Richard Old and his business “Estate Services”. After my parents both passed away, I found myself with the daunting task, more appropriately described as a nightmare, of having to liquidate and empty the house they had lived in since the early 70s.

Both of my parents had grown up in Europe during World War II, with their families basically having nothing. Consequently, they both learned to keep anything and everything for possible use later, which is exactly what they did until they died. The house was full of so much stuff that wasn’t garbage but also wasn’t what could be called “collectibles” and I had no idea what to do with it all. I contacted Mr. Old / Estate Services and we met at the house. Due to the location of the house, the narrow street, limited parking, etc. it was impossible for Mr. Old to advertise and have a public sale at the house as he normally would do.

Rather than tell me there was nothing he could do to help, Mr. Old said that if I wasn’t in a hurry, he could probably sell some of the items in the house by having a few of his regular customers come to the house at different times to look things over. With this agreement I gave Mr. Old a key to the house and told him I would appreciate anything he could do for me.

Mr. Old spent about 2+ weeks working at my house. He kept me informed and when in doubt about anything in the house he asked questions. I did not go to the house and see what had been done until after Mr. Old had contacted me and said he had left the key on the kitchen counter as we had agreed he would do when finished.

When I finally did go to the house, I was a bit apprehensive, but I kept telling myself it would be better than it was the last time I was there. When I walked in, I was stunned and could not believe what Mr. Old had done for me! Mr. Old had emptied my house of all contents and had also left me a check; it was unbelievable!

Because of Mr. Old’s professionalism, genuine willingness to help and kindness, my nightmare has ended, and I can move forward with getting this house on the market and sold.

I will always be grateful and never forget what Mr. Old did for me, and I will recommend him and his services to everyone!

Gabriela Mazur